Michael Collins Morton

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Michael Collins Morton


Writer. UK native/US resident. This account, now dormant, stands as a record of one person's fruitless attempts to raise an alarm regarding the fatal danger of Covid-19.

More: https://mcollinsmorton.blogspot.com/
If Covid-19 is not brought under control, by whatever means are necessary, it is certain to destroy mankind, regardless of any wishful thinking, comfortable denial, or groundless hope that currently prevails. The rules of logic and biology definitively exclude any other outcome.
I know that most people dismiss my harsh warnings regarding the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19, but the immutable truth remains: without urgent measures being enforced to stop the relentless progress of Covid-19, our situation will steadily worsen, ensuring the worst outcome.
Passively accepting the removal of masks and other safety measures from medical settings, during an ongoing pandemic in which an airborne disease is spreading, was a fatal mistake on the part of the public.
The ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 is a fatal threat: our entire future is hanging in the balance. If Covid-19 continues to spread out of control, mass illness and excess mortality will dangerously increase to an unprecedented degree. The survival of all mankind is at stake.
Hospitals and other medical settings in which respirator masks are not required serve as breeding grounds of Covid-19. As a result, patients are constantly exposed to harmful conditions of rampant contagion. Such gross negligence is unacceptable, unforgivable, and unsustainable.
As long as the murderous nation of Israel stands, it will continue to kill Palestinian civilians, as it has done since its beginning as a state.
No amount of delusion or denial will ever succeed in diminishing the ongoing danger of uncontrolled Covid-19. No matter how much people try to deny or belittle that danger, Covid-19 will be active, causing overwhelming harm everywhere, becoming stronger and stronger and stronger.
People who adamantly refuse to wear respirator masks during the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 are asking to be infected, and they will be, repeatedly.
Parents who allow their children to enter public spaces of any kind, without respirator masks to shield them from being exposed to the harm of airborne contagion during the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19, are guilty of child abuse.
What must be acknowledged, above all else, is that the current situation of totally uncontrolled Covid-19 is not acceptable, not sustainable, and not survivable. It clearly cannot continue for years and years. It needs to be stopped now, without delay, or mankind will perish.
Doctors and nurses who refuse to wear respirator masks, when the danger of Covid-19 is known to be rampant in every medical setting, are choosing to be enemies of essential safety. Their refusal amounts to deliberate negligence, and is causing extreme harm to countless patients.
Israel is not waging a war in Gaza. Israel is not defending itself. Israel is engaged in the wanton, wholesale murder of thousands of men, women, and children. Israel is seeking to eradicate the Palestinian people. Israel is committing genocide, and the entire world knows it.
All the mindless denial in the world will not change the hard truth of Covid-19. It is starkly clear that uncontrolled Covid-19 constitutes an extreme danger to every human life. A danger that is certain to become immeasurably worse if no action is taken to stop it.
As a result of repeated infections, Covid-19 has now succeeded in actively establishing itself inside the body of nearly every human being, and is steadily destroying them from within. Under such conditions, it is only a matter of time until human life becomes unsustainable.
Israel continues to kill Palestinian civilians in Gaza, using weapons supplied by the US, and the world continues to allow it to happen.
Whenever I state that mankind is unlikely to survive the pandemic of Covid-19, many people disagree with me, but they are wrong. I am right, and unfortunately, I will be proven right, because logic is on my side. If urgent action is not taken to stop Covid-19, it will destroy us.
When Donald Trump becomes President of the US again, there will not be much evil left for him to do, because most of it will already have been done by Joe Biden.
Happy Friday, all. We're finally starting to cool off a bit, after a brutal heatwave where I live. What I wouldn't give to be living in this drawing. www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/162810789
The deeper we sink into the malign pit of uncontrolled Covid-19, the less likely it is that we shall ever escape.
Doctors and nurses who balk at wearing respirator masks, during an ongoing pandemic of airborne disease, are morally unfit to work in a medical setting.
It makes no difference to me which of the current figures "wins" the US election in November, but it seems apparent that the only reason to keep Biden in the race is to ensure that Trump returns to the White House.
Infection after infection, Covid-19 becomes more dangerous, not less dangerous. Repeated infections do not boost immunity, they destroy immunity.
America is clearly approaching the final stage of its depraved history, but most Americans will continue to maintain witless obeisance to the hollow fantasy of "American democracy" until they are finally, and fatally, overcome at the last moment of destruction.
Woot, it's #KidLitArtPostcard Day! I'm Angela, an artist and illustrator based in the PNW of the US. Using traditional mediums, I create soft, gentle works to delight the child in all of us. I'm #SeekingRepresention, and I would like to illustrate #PictureBooks and anything #KidLit related.
If the masses could perceive even one hundredth of the irreparable harm that is happening now, as an inevitable result of Covid-19 being allowed to spread without control, they would collectively recoil in horror and curse themselves for not demanding public safety.
Israel was founded in the name of Zionism, a repugnant ideology of murder, fascism, and racism. Israel's genocide in Gaza is a brutal expression of Israel's fundamental character. Israel has always been a nation of absolute evil.
Our leaders will never do anything to keep us safe from the extreme harm of Covid-19. They do not care how many times we are infected, or how frequently we become ill. They have no concern whatsoever as to whether we survive or do not survive. We are entirely on your own.
"In truth, under Keir Starmer, Labour is no less a stronghold of overtly right-wing policies than the Conservative Party." Keir Starmer Is the Man Who Will Destroy What Remains of the United Kingdom mcollinsmorton.blogspot.com/2024/07/keir...
If you support any leader who has deliberately permitted Covid-19 to spread without control, you are a knowing accomplice to their overt wrongdoing.
☕😶 so to prevent all these bad project 2025 things from happening we're supposed to #vote for the people who've abandoned us to this #SARSCoV2 pandemic? you're telling me the people feeding their wealth & power on our preventable maimings & deaths will fight for us on these though? wow really? 🙃