
SHE (2004) Oil on Linen - 48" x 36" A private commission for the book by H. Rider Haggard. 1/4
This was a labor of love but a tough painting to get done. I had to start over twice. I felt like I just wasn’t nailing the effect I wanted, and on a painting this large, that became exhausting. 2/4
I was dedicated to trying my best to capture the author’s description of the scene. I used three different models, none of whom really worked for this one image, I’m sorry to say. 3/4
But it wasn’t for lack of effort on their part; it had more to do with my having an incomplete vision of the final image in my head, I think. 4/4
when something really works, is it generally because you see it distinctly in your head beforehand, or are there pieces you've "discovered" in the process that also ended up being favorites?
So many discarded drafts 😱😱
One of these days I'll give linen a try. Not sure what to expect as I tend to like painting on rough surfaces.