Josh Dobbin

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Josh Dobbin

Human, currently being.
My posts:
Are they making a "Harry Potter's shitty uncle" origin series?
This is the tradcath weirdo whom the is publishing to tell you not to vote. You should not listen to him. Instead, you should shove his ass into a locker and burn the entire campus containing said locker to the ground. (The campus is Hillsdale)
Trapped at a bbq with bland people who are taking about BIG BANG THEORY like it's a beloved institution. Dear sweet god. Send help and or helicopter extraction team
Those 7 minute stretches of misplacing my wallet, but being RELATIVELY sure it's in the house are always this terrible Schrödinger Cat like quantum super-position of "lost forever" and "soon to be found" and I'm always glad when the wave function collapses& I'm like: "oh! On the tall dresser,duh!"
Stevens also hates fireworks, as it turns out.
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America is not perfect. Far from it. But there are ideals worth fighting for, values worth pursuing, even when we fall short. Don’t abandon it to the totalitarians.
The Fourth Of The America That Could Be
A person I feel terrible for in the Gaiman fallout is Colleen Doran, whose **amazing** work has elevated his stories in graphic novel/comic form, and for whom the upcoming GOOD OMENS gn getting kickstarted was a gigantic windfall and ability to focus on the work.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Dobbin
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
If Jason Isbell turns out to be a creep, I'm gonna have nobody on my "would like to have dinner and talk with" celebrity list.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Dobbin
Garland proves who is ultimately responsible by allowing these threats to go completely unchallenged. Not a single, fucking, word.
flawed, certainly, but LEGEND still has the best-ever screen representation of what Dungeons & Dragons armor should look like IRL.
Gaiman & Brand are kind of a horseshoe-theory pair on opposite ends but also so very close together in that foundational respect, huh?
WTF. Just saw Gaiman ducking back down the alley with a rolly-polly little bat-faced girl? Should have known; all along (along) There were incidents and accidents There were hints and allegations
The 3rd of July would be a perfect time to commit gun crime in people's homes, as no one would report it to the police, assuming it was just one of those jackass loud-douchbag firecrackers that just scares my dogs.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Dobbin
I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising
My kids' dreams often involve their phones as things in the dream. Mine never do; it's funny what things are experiential givens, generationally.
1989, with my cousins and Cain/Mordred-like evil half-brother. I, of course, am in the Norm Breyfogle Batman shirt. Later on, Norm would become a good friend and I miss him a lot.
I am two years younger than Norman Fell as Mr. Roper from s1 of THREE'S COMPANY. How the fuck did that happen?
So much of my love for the movies is just chasing the dragon of the pulse-pounding, palm-sweaty fear & exhilaration 8 year me felt in the 3rd row of the theater in 1981, as this Medusa came on the screen. Harryhausen was an artist and a wizard.
really cannot emphasize enough how plainly all this proves that the first priority of the next Democratic administration needs to be democracy reform --filibuster --electoral college --court reform --dc and pr statehood --new voting rights act --gerrymandering
Perfectly put.
Speaking as a semanticist, it's wild to me that they are phrasing it in terms of whether an *act* is characterized as "official", when what they seem to actually be talking about is whether there exists a *description* of the act that can be characterized as "official".
It doesn't help anybody, but fuck Merrick Garland and everybody who didn't urge Biden to replace him for his timidity.
Reposted byAvatar Josh Dobbin
My plan to destroy the Tesla fleet:
hoo, boy is this the truth
when I was a child, I thought smart people were in charge. when I got older, I realized you didn't have to be smart to be in charge. but the piece that was hardest to learn is that no one is really in charge at all. no one's going to fix it beyond us.
My dread secret is that I have always disliked Nancy & Sluggo since I was a kid.
I'm not the main character. I'm... wait. I'm being handed a note. Apparently I **am** the main character.
I'm not the main character. I’m the one who’s been unobtrusively watching, listening, & noticing things the whole time. I get the third act rolling with reveals & insights, help solve surprising mysteries, & take part in the climax of the story.👍
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