Michela Massimi

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Michela Massimi


Philosopher of science, University of Edinburgh.
More about me here https://www.michelamassimi.com/
10th Integrated History & Philosophy of Science Conference (&HPS 10), California Institute of Technology, March 27-29, 2025. Submit abstracts by August 18, 2024 (Website not updated integratedhps.org/events.html but submission link here: auth.oxfordabstracts.com?redirect=/st...) #philsci #histsci
Oxford Abstractsauth.oxfordabstracts.com
This just arrived, with contributions from @michelamassimi.bsky.social Milena Ivanova, Nancy Cartwright, Mathias Egg, Finnur Dellsen, Michael Friedman and, of course, Bas van Fraassen himself.
We currently have open calls for: PSA@APA Outreach and Engagement Prize UPSS Session @ PSA24 Details here - mms.philsci.org/msg_detail.p...
Philosophy of Science Associationmms.philsci.org
June newsletter is out with info on the new Giere Society, UPSS call for abstracts, Outreach Prize and more. Many congrats to the newly elected Alan Love (President-Elect), and Governing Board members Mazviita Chirimuuta and Kerry McKenzie - all starting Jan 2025. mms.philsci.org/msg_detail.p...
Philosophy of Science Associationmms.philsci.org
Wonderful PPLS research day today spent listening to talks by my amazing colleagues across philosophy, linguistics and psychology - here are some highlights from Islamic Philosophy to history of aesthetics, from Phil neuroscience to deontic modals and many more.
And it starts — Future-proof science workshop with intro by Marc Raguz and first talk by the brilliant Chryssi (overlooked by Stathis Psillos joining us online).
Coming up this Tuesday a workshop organised by my brilliant students Chrysi Malouchou and Marc Raguz on Future-Proof Science and centred around Peter Vickers’s excellent book and Chrysi’s fascinating research project on selective realism.
Great discussion in today’s reading group led by my colleague Suilin Lavelle on @ufeest.bsky.social forthcoming book ‘Operationism and the Epistemology of exploration in experimental psychology’ — fascinating material in Ch 7 on ecological psychology and psychological kinds. Highly recommended.
+ attaching abstract!
Can someone please explain to me why in my BlueSky timeline I do not seem to be able to see any of the people I follow and is instead cluttered with irrelevant posts by unheard of accounts (mostly about cats and stuff)? Am I missing something obvious of how BlueSky works?!
The Düsseldorf workshop day 1 ends with @daianbica.bsky.social fascinating talk on Newton’s methodology in the Opticks as an example of exploratory-modal methodology.
In beautiful Padova for a symposium on my book and a Kant conference — my first visit here and I could not miss the wonderful Giotto’s frescos
Call for Posters still open — we look forward to receiving your submissions before June 15th.
Call for Posters for PSA 2024 now open until 15th June. For details and submission please see: site.pheedloop.com/portal/event...
PheedLoopsite.pheedloop.com PheedLoop: Hybrid, In-Person & Virtual Event Software
x.com/firstgenphil... I was invited to contribute to this great new initiative by Simona Aimar and Daniel James on #FirstGenerationPhilosophers #phiscie — there is an open call for everyone to contribute
A cool interdisciplinary PhD position at intersection philosophy of science & astrochemistry. Candidate will be co-supervised in these two areas (& in #philsci by fantastic Dr. Marie Gueguen) & incl training in astrochemical methods. philjobs.org/job/show/26322 ⚛️ #PhDSky 🔭 #chem
PhD Student, University of Rennes 1 - PhilJobs:JFP PhD Student, University of Rennes 1 philjobs.org An international database of jobs for philosophers
Lakatos Award expert workshop today — a real joy to be able to continue the conversations with these fantastic interlocutors @katiekendig.bsky.social @daianbica.bsky.social Mieke Boon @sabinaleonelli.bsky.social Roman Frigg and Hasok Chang. Thanks so much to everyone who came to the event.
We are holding a workshop to celebrate the achievements of the Kent philosophy department and to mark its demise. In person or online. All welcome! jonwilliamson.uk/conferences/...
For those interested in my … thoughts on Kant, his upcoming 300th anniversary, and the case for peace, check out this weekend’s @financialtimes.com on.ft.com/49Jh9F1
In case you missed it, this is @leaypi.bsky.social wonderful lecture based on her trailblazing work in political philosophy. Celebrating this extraordinary scholar and her intellectual achievements 💫
Check out this new site created by Simona Aimar and Daniel James with blog posts on #FirstGen philosophers. My piece is in the pipeline — there is an open call for graduate students and colleagues sharing their experiences of what is like to enter academia dailynous.com/2024/04/16/n...
New: First Generation Philosophersdailynous.com A new website features autobiographical essays by philosophers who were first-generation college students. Launched today, First Generation Philosophers already has contributions from Helen De Cruz (S...