
These will be the consequences if that lunatic wins. Women losing all rights.. what do you suppose will happen to LGBTQ? POC? Immigrants? The Poor? The Elderly and Disabled? For those who don’t like Biden.. rethink this They want to turn us into a Christian Nationalist Country! 😑
Right-wing nutjobs have already said that women shouldn't have the right to vote. Wake the fuck up, America.
Remember when women weren't allowed to have credit cards? We aren't there yet but it's coming if the Republicans take back the WH. They are doing everything in their power to make The Handmaid’s Tale a reality everywhere in America.
I know you will and so will I but I wonder when push comes to shove how many will fall in line to save themselves?
We have to win this election. We better show up in droves, in numbers so huge they can’t cheat. It’s insane we are in this predicament with that bumbling idiot, convicted felon, lying conman who can’t put two coherent sentences together. 😀