
thinking about the time period circa 2009 when i was frenemies with an OCRemix judge and went from thinking the site was kinda cool to realizing it was complete BS. he would play me songs they rejected and make fun of them and a lot of them would be wonderful. fan website of petty smalltime tyrants
i really hope it’s not like that anymore but that experience soured me on it SO fucking hard. they wanted the site to be cool and exclusive so they would reject shitloads of really good remixes so … there wouldn’t be too many? so it would seem more cool to get in? it was ludicrous.
and he expected me as a fellow musician to be cool with making fun of extremely good remixes they had rejected for stupid reasons. one of their rules was they thought you should change the key of the song for a remix. why? essentially only bc it indicated more skill. incredibly bizarre and stupid.
meanwhile I’m like… why would you change the key? that’s the key the song is in. that makes no fucking sense whatsoever
this is another thing in my life that i clearly waited 15 years to post because i didn’t want to start shit at the time. i think all the people who were judges then have since left the site so this no longer matters. but also whatever i will fight any of them.
unfortunately this means to this day when people link OCR stuff they like, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because i think about all of the perfectly good songs they rejected that never got the chance to be circulated more widely among fans
actually most of this happened in 2006 and 07 now that i think back on it so it was even longer ago than i thought
This is wild. I didn’t think that submissions worked like that with them. I’ve been running a label for 12 years, and aside from whatever internal decisions we make on musicians whom we might wanna work with, I can’t imagine ever badmouthing people in my field to anyone. It’s v easy to not be crazy!
wow! this sucks!!! I have like 30 burned CDs in a folder somewhere, I don't like learning that the judges are pompous pricks on a power high.
Damn, I didn't even realize it was a curated site. I've definitely sourced (and properly attributed, according to the license) and used music from there before, but probably wouldn't have if I knew that's how it was over there.