
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: how goesss the election? Rowling: did we win? Posie Parker: good news! Parker: if words meant the opposite of what they do, then yes we won! Rowling: excellent, excellent, that'ss great Rowling: wait a ssec
Rowling: confound you, you ssilver tongued devil!! Rowling: how iss thisss possssible? are you ssaying the people of britain aren't excited for exterminating the transs? Rowling: i jusst don't know what to believe anymore
Rowling: ugh! i can't believe we lossst! thisss wasss ssssuppossed to be a sssure thing! Rowling: i had big plansss! sssuch big plansss! Rowling: now how am i gonna get funding for a big ssorting hat to put on school kidsss junk
Rowling: you losst to Darth Farter & Grand Admiral Toilet Sseat! you lost to the joke candidatess! Rowling: at least i think those are the joke candidatess Rowling: this is britain so itss kind of hard to tell Rowling: wormtail look into that for me Jesse Singal: right away mommy
Parker: but dark lord Rowling: you've failed me for the lassst time, wormtail! Parker: nooo dark lord one more chance, please, just one more chance Parker: just one more hate campaign dark lord just one more please i swear dark lord this time it'll work
Rowling: my Totally Normal Party of Bevaginaed Women may have losst Rowling: but at least the toriess maintained power to continue our work toward a final ssolution Rowling: the toriess did win, right? Parker: Parker: uhhhh Rowling: oh goddamnit
Parker: it's ok, labor won! they're just as transphobic as the tories Rowling: BUT THEY'RE NOT GONNA SSAY THE SSLURSS! Rowling: it'ss not the sssame without the sslurss! Rowling: i really wanted the sslurss :(
This punchline hit way above its weight class, oof.
I've never seen one of these end this strong. Wow.
Above the weight class, but below the belt.
I wish I could laugh, but it's so frustrating when a political party says, "Well, we've taken power from these people who spent years destroying our national institutions, and we're going to fix precisely NONE of them!" Starmer's transphobia is just the icing on the cake.