
Is the Mangaka Hall of Fame really limited only to those who had an impact "in North America"? If so, that feels immensely limiting & disappointing, as there are tons of HoF-worthy mangaka with no American presence, or historically haven't sold well here. That is my only nitpick, though.
It says "in America." So people who've made a big impact in Mexico wouldn't be eligible.
And in English, ok? Sorry Mexico.
I think there's an interesting conversation to be had about what "in America" means when you have multiple Canadian publishers releasing manga into both the American and Canadian markets.
Like, there is a separate Canadian book market (even if it overlaps a lot with the USA) & there are plenty of books that are only released in Canada, but there isn't a separate Canadian manga market (in which manga are only released in Canada and not the USA).
Plus, all the manga released by French publishers that's available in Quebec (and, to a lesser extent, the rest of Canada).