
Racism in America is a hilarious construct to me. As a pee-oh-see, I can full on hate white people and talk all the shit I want because it's their racist institution but if they fight back along racial lines, I get to scream bloody murder. The race card doesn't work on Blacks; they invented it. ๐Ÿƒ
All of this was inspired by a discussion on the far right in France. The BBC interviewed someone who voted far right for "safety" reasons and someone who voted against the far right due to its racism. Of course, the guy responded with the usual "I am not racist (but my party is)" type of retort.
When Trump Republicans get together, they're not always the best Americans. They're ignorant, morons; some of them are racist! They attack the nation's Capitol and try to overthrow democracy. None of them are good people. [It's hard to do a good Trump impression in prose.]