
I trust white people more than black people because I can't safely assume that the white guy is a racist. Meanwhile, the black guy will go out of his way to show me with our first interaction by way of our racial disparity. It's especially noticeable outside of California: black hates brown.
When I was in Louisville, Kentucky, it was especially blatant: ni🅱️🅱️as there were racist AF. I ran into far more hateful, resentful black people who tended to see me as taking what was theirs than I did white people, who tended to see that I was just trying to get on in life and do my best.
Virginia was pretty redneck and sure enough, all the resentment I got there tended to come from Black people who also had a tendency to resent their Latino colleagues, albeit to varying degrees. Sure enough, the racial animus was present, again to varying degrees, but it's clear we're "different".