Wild Country Girl🌱

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Wild Country Girl🌱


Geeky nature girl. Always dirty. Cats! I post a LOT of plants. Always learning. 💚🐈🌱

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Welp. Good thing I got this picture. The storms knocked down this single flower like an hour or two after I got this shot. 😯 All good, I was able to clip it and bring it inside. 😏
Sunflower photo bomb season has begun. You've been warned 🌻🌱
Anyone have natural remedies or relief for wasp stings?
Sunflower photo bomb season has begun. You've been warned 🌻🌱
My pruning skills need serious work. 🤣🌱 Good thing Richard the Rooster has his back turned to that mess of a mulberry tree. 🤭
Getting somewhere! Still stupefied over how fast these bricks were buried 😯🌱
This is what a real windmill looks like, friends. Ours is long gone, but used to pump water into the house from the well.
Growing up on the farm, I used to see these everywhere on farm & field. There were spots when a corner of a pasture would have a windmill that would pump water into a big trough for the cattle. It would be unattended and provide water whenever the wind blew. Used mostly for pumping water everywhere.
And here's what "Sunflower hill" looks like 3 months later. 🌱🌻 So it was smart we let the grass grow up around them - the sunflowers were well protected and very quickly grew taller than the grass. 💚
What I'm dealing with today. There was a dirt mound here that got away from me. 🥴🌱 It's bad soil (long story), so I'm covering it for now and planting sunflowers in a few months. FYI, the field behind it is what's going into conservation this fall. 🙌
The true Tiger Lilies have started to bloom. They are such show offs! 🌱🧡 I find these everywhere in the area, including the cemetery up the street. I always wonder which came first, like did my grandma swipe some seeds or did she share them? Maybe a year they were popular and everyone planted? 🤷‍♀️
It's about dang time broccoli. Now will you come to a head or will you bolt? 🌱
Making progress digging up bricks I lost and creating a better path 💪
I don't care if it's a non-native weed, Queen Anne's Lace was my favorite wildflower growing up. 💚🌱🤍
Sunflower hill is looking quite spectacular. I can't wait for them all to bloom 😍🌱🌻
The colored beauties reseeded from last year are finally starting to open up. 💛🧡🌱🌻
I have been working on this patch for about 5 years now. Seems something new appears every year, and I haven't seeded it for the past 2-3 years 😮🌱
Grandma would have adored these hollyhocks. It took a few years to get them well established, but I slipped in a black hollyhock variety into the mix. 🤭🌱 Soo many colors here now! 💚
Cucumbers are growing so well I almost already missed one. Its where's Waldo farm addition 💚🌱
Garden phlox is blooming! Love this gorgeous native wildflower. There are so many different colors that pop up every year 🥰🌱
Chocolate mint looking AMAZING. Thank you @sevenhillfarm.bsky.social for the start 🥰🌱
It's really quite amazing what people will comply with simply because they were told to, even when there's no real punishment. Reminds me of speeding camera tickets. Those aren't actually legal and you don't have to pay them (in my state, anyway).
Love this patch. 🌱🌻💛💚💜
This sums up nicely how my month has been going. 🙃🌻🌱 It's been an exhausting race balancing raspberry picking season and seasonal job, plus keep up with any sort of lawn work in between loads of rain.
So, like 2-3 years ago I tried to tame an area around my greenhouse. I had cute bricks, some decorative rocks, and tried to carve out small garden patches. Today I go gently trimming and wading through tall grasses in search of those bricks. This is all I found.... 😯🙃🌱
My white tiger lilies are blooming today! 🌱🤍🥰
Originally my Grandma's hollyhocks, these were in beautiful pinks and whites in my childhood. Several years back I scattered black hollyhocks, and now there's some deeper pinks in the mix. 😊❤️🌱
My very quick morning haul of wild black raspberries ready for the freezer. 😊💜🌱
Afternoon hollyhocks 🤍🌱 Some pink ones started blooming this morning, too. 😊