Lynn from OK

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Lynn from OK

Boomer, cishet, ambivert, agnostic. feral liberal housewife. Wife to the world's best husband, mom to 2 adult sons, personal assistant to 2 cats.

sewing, movies, television, books, sci-fi, art , music, and random nonsense
Oh, this is even better than that famous "strange women lying in ponds" line.
You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
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You’re on Bluesky arguing there’s no difference between Biden and Trump, I’m building a small chicken coop. We are not the same.
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Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
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Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
They're trying to keep kids out of libraries but meanwhile...
Well this is grim
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Me: [talking to the TV] Don't say raviolis. Ravioli is already plural.
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A 'Tori (Blue-throated conure) griffon! Polychromos, A5. From 2016. Feeling a bit like an imposter posting one of my full pieces-like its misrepresenting myself when I only really post sketches. But I still love this one and would like it to be seen! 🎨🪶#art
This picture is a few weeks old but I can't remember if I posted it or not and you need to see a picture of my cats right now.
Tonight at 8:00 Central Time is the series finale of Dr Pol. 😥
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I very much fall into the “You should not be able to identify the content of my pants pockets WHILE THEYRE STILL IN MY POCKETS” camp.
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Sam Sam is very curious about the newly transplanted jade 😻🪴 #caturday
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What the hell is a manic pixie dream girl? I don't watch rom coms. Somebody help me out here.
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this is a poem I've been thinking about (Alt text has a transcription of it)
Here's the dress I finished yesterday. I use this pattern a lot. It's not especially flattering but it's easy and comfortable and the dresses I make from it are the ones I wear the most. I thought of this necklace while I was sewing, thought it would be perfect. Now I'm not sure.
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'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
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I am loving my Garden! It's like having a meadow concentrated in one 8 foot long raised bed. Some of the flowers I planted, others are volunteers. #SmallBeauties #TinyJoys #Wildflowers
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People on here are so fucking sanctimonious about unjust hierarchies and then proudly announce they want to create a world were we presume our elders should have their rights, membership in the community, and public participation taken away
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People complained that Chengdu zoo was letting their clouded leopard get fat, their expert explained "This cat is like thirty years old, that's twice as old clouded leopards GET, and he's just had major surgery. Making him lose weight would do WAY more harm, just let him have this."
Stolen from the other place
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You don't need very sophisticated logic to see that sometimes everyone is just mad at you because you're being a dipshit, not because you're telling hard truths
There are a lot of people like this on social media too. You really can't engage with that sort of person. No matter what you say, *in their mind* it's just proof that they are right.
As someone who works in news media: yes and no. Media types really want to appear to appear smarter than everyone else, and so will adopt unpopular and controversial positions because they upset the most people, and if they are upsetting people, they must be right.
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Timeline cleanser. Just down the street from the rental house is a house with 2 dogs. One is a basset hound. It climbs up the little rock wall there and sits in the top of the playhouse. It takes the slide down. It is adorable.
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Archie ambushes Caly during morning shenanigans (I saw it coming, and still couldn’t get a good photo)
Contrary to the headline, this is a sweet story. This kind of thing used to be perfectly normal.