
lot of people I follow seem to think "Biden too Old" is a New York Times creation which, uh, honestly, seems slightly delusional to me. The narrative is extremely overdetermined at this point. It's pop culture. Fair or not, that genie's not going back in the bottle.
what are we lowly posters supposed to *do* about this, idk man, hug your love ones, post through it, and vote blue, but the level of denial I'm seeing is kinda staggering
Demanding a major party nominee step down and proposing a slate of random governors to take his place is actually an NYT creation.
Yes. But that's not what I'm talking about.
I get it. I’m pointing out that the discussion is being led by self-impressed and self-aggrandizing people with an axe to grind and needs to be discounted appropriately for that.
I think this goes way beyond bad faith media elites and neurotic high-info Dem and dem-adjacent voters. If anything, we're all irrelevant. I'll vote for Biden if he's literally a gaseous corpse. But it's not my social media bubble that worries me.
I mean, fair enough man. I’m not going to tell you that nobody is going to worry about his age. But I think what we are. Seeing from the media is something very very different from that.
Right but they don't have to give this tedious pop-culture meme a sheen of elite buy-in. That's a choice!
"Trump is a businessman and government should be run like a business" is also pop-cultural wisdom, despite being utter credulous drivel.
i think people are yelling at the Times and Bill Maher and various high profile bad faith actors because there's no mechanism for yelling at dumb low info swing voters, and they want to cut it off at the source. Won't happen! Biden Too Old has broken contain.