Sins of a Swoler Empire

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Sins of a Swoler Empire

millennial dad
a big difference is that Romney stans actually believed he was winning, until he lost! Nobody thinks Biden is winning, it’s just “well he’s only losing by a bit more than he was two weeks ago which i guess counts as good”
Back in 2012 i lived in a heavily Mormon part of eastern Idaho and the resemblance between Romney 2012 enthusiasts and Biden 2024 Dems is a bit uncanny
one last anxiety post on this topic, in the form of a quadrant chart. fwiw I disagree with top-left but I think it can be argued in good faith, I just think it's gonna be increasingly untenable unless polls rebound soon.
important update: As of today I can perform bodyweight squats without pain. Surely this is a sign from THE LORD to rush right back into my training regimen.
the good news is the ol' joints are fine and it's probably just inflammation rather than a tear, the bad news is the doc wants me to take a couple weeks off, which i'm pretty sure will cause me to die
lot of people I follow seem to think "Biden too Old" is a New York Times creation which, uh, honestly, seems slightly delusional to me. The narrative is extremely overdetermined at this point. It's pop culture. Fair or not, that genie's not going back in the bottle.
recent conversations with my parents really underscored for me the extent to which rank-and-file cons have been propagandized into believing that Trump is in every respect an innocent man, albeit with a few rough edges, while Biden is actually running a criminal empire.
Yes, the consistent background assumption of the conservatives is that the cases against Trump are retaliation for ordinary presidential behavior and not an attempt to hold the former president accountable for aberrant and illegal behavior.
My kid ran in front of me walking on the sidewalk and, not seeing him, i flat-tired his shoe and he hit the ground nose and forehead first, with a lot of bleeding and a huge goose egg. Anyway one cool part about parenting is feeling like shit for failing to stop what was objectively a freak accident
the Generic American West dialect speaker has logged on
I’ll say this about Kamala Harris, if the election is gonna be a referendum on Dobbs she seems like a decent enough standard bearer.
i think Trump in 2024 is repulsive enough that any minimally competent warm body could probably to beat him head-to-head, and I've been pretty sanguine that Biden can fill that role. Is that actually true, idk man. Sure hope so.
the good news is the ol' joints are fine and it's probably just inflammation rather than a tear, the bad news is the doc wants me to take a couple weeks off, which i'm pretty sure will cause me to die
you know it’s a good morning when you’re looking for orthopedic/sports medicine appointments ASAP
the annoying thing about Biden Old discourse—and i say this as a defender of the guy, mostly—is that it was entirely foreseeable. Yeah, a 78 year old running for a office that famously ages you was always gonna be a problem in 2024
you know it’s a good morning when you’re looking for orthopedic/sports medicine appointments ASAP
historically liberalism’s admittedly belated response to fascists was “kill them with guns and bombs” which actually proved remarkably effective. Communists got there eventually, but only after openly allying with fascists failed.
trying to organize a team lunch with both vegan and gluten free options is a pain in the ass. idk man I'm not an office specialist, I just want mulitas al pastor from the place around the corner YES I'm basically a Stan Kelly character right now
I joined bluesky right as this era collapsed in on itself, but with a few mad posters still sound around trying to lord over their ruined fiefdoms. It was Citadel Station, posts about recent drama and dead accounts littered around like audio logs
lol if you were here for the early days of bsky you had people with 1000 followers, breaking their twitter peak by 899, announcing The Way Things Are On Here
the virgin Dilbert comic taped to the office door vs the chad Far Side comic taped to the office door
deadlifting whilst listening to death metal, the metal of death
screenshotting so as to not dogpile some random doofus but these posts are "swing and miss so hard you drill yourself into the ground like a Looney Tunes cartoon" territory
my three year old has picked up my habit of muttering "goddammit" for minor frustrations except he does it much more theatrically like "GowwwDAMMITT"
I get one of these with clip-in bike shoes about twice a year
What's your best "rolled a 1 on a D20 skill check" life moment? I just cut myself on a crouton while cooking. 🤣🥗🩸
some transit jargon: Trip: bus go from A to B Cycle: a round trip, A to B to A Block: the bus that does trips. Blocking = dividing trips into blocks Run: the operator’s work on a block. Runcutting = dividing blocks into pieces of work (1 piece straight or 2 piece split usually)
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
fun fact, Little Cottonwood Canyon has an extremely similar route profile to Alp d’Huez, but without the switchbacks
thinking of biking up a canyon with 3,998' vert and 7.2% average grade this weekend, as a treat
every professional sports logo should be hand-drawn funny little cartoon guy. that’s just what i think
thinking of biking up a canyon with 3,998' vert and 7.2% average grade this weekend, as a treat
i refuse to control any electronic device with my voice
What’s the most boomer complaint you have?
there’s some kind of misunderstanding… we’re podcast listeners Okay. What kind of podcast listener are you?
I really hate the talking point that IVF is a rich white lady issue. My wife and I did our first cycle when we were decidedly below median household income, and it was a genuine financial burden. We couldn’t have afforded attempts 2 and 3 without a grant and a medical study, respectively.
this thread--and Cathy's responses to Adam and others--is fascinating, not because her arguments are novel but because they're so fucking banal. Calls for further process while being ignorant of the process that did occur, treating a privileged class (commuters) as the aggrieved party, appeals to...
No, this is a trap that anti-urbanists always pull. "We can't build more houses, the transit infrastructure won't support it!" "Don't built transit infrastructure, it's not necessary for the level of housing here!" Congestion pricing will help fund transit expansion.