
"we're a rogue state" *cites image macro made by an Australian fundamentalist Islamic org* Mmmmhmmmmm okay bud.
We're a rogue state. The current administration is aiding and abetting genocide in violation of the laws we helped create to prevent this shit. The fact that Trump promises to do worse isn't gonna help him in November. That's a bigger problem for Democrats than they'd care to admit.
Right, because the UN, the ICC, and human rights organizations, including those in Israel haven't call it a genocide. 🙄
The UN actually *hasn't* called it a genocide, but okay.
Bud, that's literally not the UN declaring a genocide
I'm not buds with genocide apologists. You're either ignorant, disingenuous, or a troll. If you want to have a discussion based in reality then bring it, but if you're gonna keep repeating this sophistry don't bother. May God have mercy on your soul.
Oh shit so you're just gonna make shit up and pretend like the UN has made declarations it hasn't. May you live with the consequences of your own actions..