
I should probably do this after caffeine but fuck it. We're seeing a lot of horrible things come to fruition at once that have been *most of my life* in the making and I am not young. I'm seeing a lot of "I won't vote for anyone who can't fix X" when X was set in motion in the 80s, Or the 40s.
i some cases it was LITERALLY JOE BIDEN that set them in motion though
Clarence Thomas can partially be laid at his door. The time to do something about that was 1991 at the latest. Ditto the 94 crime bill tbh, although that one was, again, brewing for a hot minute. Those are why I didn't and wouldn't caucus for him. I can't fix those things with this election.
yeah me either. its a big ask for some people to vote for him in spite of those things though.
YUP. It freaking sucks, it really does. And if people can't, I get it, but I still hope they help fix their schoolboards.