
okay, look. we beat COVID. we have a good economy. the Orioles are outstanding. murders in my city are dropping like a rock. um. nobody has personally punched me in the face recently. most people are not in immediate jeopardy of dying. ahhh... everyone still agrees on the order of the alphabet.
many, if not most, things suck. badly. 49.995% of the electorate wants to turn on the blender in which we all live. another 1% of the electorate is on the fence. nobody has the nards to do anything. what would even be done? nobody has the nards to figure that out.
as long as I am not directly stuck in a The Road situation, I will keep plugging, not voting for the bad guys, chopping invasive vines when I can, picking up trash once in a while, making sure to stamp out any incipient reactionary tendencies in my children.