
My doubts about the polls are exemplified by this FOX poll. It's unclear if Biden will win the Electoral College, but I'm certain he'll win the popular vote. That's not just hopium, but remembering that the Dem candidate has received more votes than the GOP one in the last 7/8 elections. Yet…
…if we take the polls at face value throughout much of 2024 (& 2023), Trump would win the popular vote by millions–and I just can't see that happening. Doesn't mean Biden will win due to the EC, but it does make me wonder what is going on w/the polling.
Look at the slopes of those lines! Yeah, something is badly out of whack with the polling. There are a lot of people in denial right now, including pollsters.
I know some polls switch from registered voters to likely voters, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. But you're right, it seems out of whack.