
Welp, I cut the cord to the NYT. Having done this (after 31 years), it's clear I should've done this sooner. It's not like saying to your spouse, "I want a divorce"–even if that doesn't happen, Things Have Been Said. If, in a couple of months, I decide I miss it, I can just sign up again.
I told the NYT: Your entire online front page is wall-to-wall stories about Biden's debate performance. Over the last year, the editorial judgement of both the news and op-ed sections has taken a nose dive, to the point where I don't see the NYT as a trustworthy source of news.
The issue isn't 'bias'–I read lots of biased coverage, but that I don't know how to discount what I read in the NYT anymore. In light of the recent COVID coverage, which was laughably wrong and disingenuous, and wall-to-wall Biden coverage, I simply can't trust them. Take something like Puck News…
…which does a lot of elite stenography. I *know* they do that, and hearing said elites (relatively) unfiltered is useful. But I'm really not interested in the worldview of insular, parochial journalists who routinely misuse words, and aren't open about their activism to boot.
Like I wrote, if I change my mind, no big deal, I'll just pay again (with a possible discount!). For now though, I'm donating part of my former NYT subscription to the Internet Archive.
Also, NYT, I wasn't part of your "family." That's not what that word means, which is kind of my point.