
I wish this would autopost to other AT Appviews like BlueSky. I get them not wanting to do everything but even a link card would suffice. If they won't interact, it might make sense to create a cross-poster of some kind.
yup!, we (bsky team) have definitely been thinking and talking a bunch about how to get things like whtwnd better integrated in to the bsky app itself. will probably be a bit of time before something ships, but we want to go in that direction
Actually yes, I want to be able to display its interface in app so bad I think has thought about this kind of thing a bit as well
Oh, BTW, whatever you do, please make it an atproto-wide thing, not just for the bluesky app; excited to see whatever comes out of it!
And then maybe Snarfed could make Bridgy embed some custom view with a full-length Mastodon post content that would display on
When we get oauth we will be able to do this with ifttt
Thank you for considering my feedback! I was starting to suspect that my feedback was fundamentally incompatible with the design philosophy you mentioned so it’s a good surprise for me. I am looking forward to seeing it (but no hurry) !