Mike Merritt

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Mike Merritt


I like to talk about tech and travel, in that order.

Blog: dymersion.com
Masto: @[email protected]
Nostr: @dymersion.com (NIP-5)
I spent way too much time last night watching an election that doesn't affect me on a day-to-day basis. But I will say this: There was a lot of turnover to parties that weren't expected to do so well. And many of the victories were in double digits. Keep that in mind for November.
There isn't a Prime Minister of the UK right now. Does that mean Larry the Cat is in charge?
Interesting that the Liberal Democrats are doing a bit better than the exit polls suggested.
To the UK: Good luck today.
The discourse today is crazy. People making wild suggestions of things Biden should do that he just cannot do, even after this ruling. I know some will say, "Why not?" Because there's a difference between not being prosecuted for an official act and being able to do whatever that will be struck down
Oh yeah, figured out PDS email setup.
I'm going to break with the doomerism and say that I think Biden can do better next time. He was being too wonky. I think, as @radiofreetom.bsky.social has said, he needs to be more Biden-y. He seems to do better when he's more off-the-cuff, telling stories, not numbers and figures.
Trump is rambling and jumping around in this closing statement, but because he's more animated it will look better. This is the problem.
I've actually kind of missed there being a clear winner to a debate. For so many years, it was "well, they got their points in as best they could but it won't move the needle much."
So, I admit that the concept of the AppView really just registered: a view that distributes data associated with an application's specific lexicon. It seems like that would limit data from a PDS to the slice associated with that app. (1/2) #atproto #atdev
Well, that was fun. Had to go to my basement for a tornado warning. I've had to do it before, but I think this is the first time in a while the tornado was possibly in a direct path of my town, though not necessarily my street.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
I think it can work fine (again, it will make mistakes) if people recognize it for what it is, and what it means to be labeled. It's just someone/some group's opinion. That's all. It is not a death sentence. Users also get to judge if they trust those opinions.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
I would modify those points. No moderation works *well* at scale. Decentralized moderation still has many of the problems of centralized moderation. Community moderation will face a variety of challenges, some old, some new. But, still has many benefits that improve things for many users.
Hey #atproto #atdev. I tested moving an account to my self-hosted PDS (not my main account). The account moved successfully but I'm getting a 500 error when loading the Discover, Following, and With Friends feeds. The new account I created on the PDS loads these feeds without issue. Any ideas?
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
Test post to see if content migrates to the new PDS.
I'm sure this won't find much acceptance around these parts because there's a kneejerk reaction against some new technologies, but maybe instead of saying we shouldn't do AI or crypto because they slurp energy we should fix the energy problem.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
Trump sounds like a communist dictator here. That, I expect, is how Republicans would react if Biden were to say this.
Trump has picked foolish and unnecessary fights with private-sector leaders before, but saying executives should be fired for failing to support his campaign seems like a real escalation. www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddo...
Trump wants business leaders who fail to support him to be firedwww.msnbc.com Donald Trump escalated his offensive against business skeptics, calling for private-sector leaders to be fired for failing to support his pursuit of power.
Hurray! Self-hosted PDS works.
Hey hey hey. Testing from my new self-hosted PDS!
I expect it will be relatively easy to disable with group policies and such for enterpise editions. However, for better or for worse, a lot of small businesses use the Home editions, and may not have the knowledge that this feature is enabled.
What this stupid idea needs is a big obvious button that reads "Deactivate this feature and never turn it back on ever, and then launch the idiots who thought it up from a large cannon into the Sun."
I also don't get it. Despite what Jack posted on Twitter, they really haven't changed all that much freedom-wise. They've changed the priority of their moderation but if anything that allows for less freedom since the policy changes at Elon's whim.
With all due respect to Jack for having the vision to invest in decentralized protocols, we’ve carried out the work in a way I don’t think he fully understands. Bluesky is structurally open in a way Twitter has never been, but the design of atproto allows it to feel familiar and easy to use.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
With all due respect to Jack for having the vision to invest in decentralized protocols, we’ve carried out the work in a way I don’t think he fully understands. Bluesky is structurally open in a way Twitter has never been, but the design of atproto allows it to feel familiar and easy to use.
As I weekend project, I need to see if I can figure out how to host my own PDS.
Reposted byAvatar Mike Merritt
I've heard from a few people here that they don't get "much engagement" on Bluesky, and therefore are going elsewhere. But I notice that, for many of them, they don't engage themselves. They don't respond to others or reskeet interesting things. If you want engagement, it helps to engage...