
As an American who Actually Moved To Canada, here are some things to consider if you’re serious about getting the fuck out of the US, a thread:
1) you can’t just drive to the border and say “trump sucks” and get a work permit. The system up here is INCREDIBLY fucked up. The process takes months, even assuming everything goes right, which it won’t.
2) if you think the US housing crisis is bad: lol. Unless you wanna live in like Manitoba or something you are noooot gonna find affordable housing. Or, uh, housing at all.
3) Canada has plenty of their own right wing shitheads, and they’re probably gonna win the next elections. The ones you won’t be able to vote in, because you’re not Canadian.
4) everything is more expensive here, and the currency is weaker. Your money will not go as far. And have fun figuring out taxes! Of which you will pay 3-3x more than you did in the US!
5) good news: all those taxes do pay for socialized healthcare. Bad news: depending on where you end up, it may be an absolute shambles. There are like a hundred thousand people in Nova Scotia who can’t find a family doctor (me included).
Yup, it's free, but you'll likely die of old age before actually seeing a doctor.