
Not quite what they mean for #InsertAnInvert2024 by a subterranean #invertebrate but nonetheless an animal that spends a considerable amount of its lifecycle below ground. 🐡🧪🌿 This is a small handmade linocut print of a large, well-loved, well-known insect with a long song. Tibicen canicularis, 🧵1/
also known as dogday harvestfly or dog-day cicada, is common in North America and its power-saw like buzzing song is taken as a sign of summer. It lives in deciduous and mixed woods in southern Canada and the northeastern US. 🧵2/
This is an annual cicada unlike its cousins the periodical Magicicadas whose large broods with prime-number year (17, and 19) long cycles synch up this year south of here. #linocut #printmaking #cicada It’s still early here but I found a dog-day cicada in the park.