
Much like Donald Trump is a poor person's idea of a rich person, this cross-examination by Susan Necheles (a very good criminal defense attorney) is a dumb person's idea of effective cross-examination. I strongly suspect that FPOTUS insisted that Ms. Necheles do this.
Do you think she ordered the code red?
Golf clap. Aaron Sorkin wrote himself into a corner. Jack Nicholson was a good enough actor to overcome the implausibility of the script.
It's a very seductive feeling, when you think the jury hears only your mighty question, and not the contradictory answer.
At any point did the defense put forward the idea that the sex never took place? I mean wasn't that one of Trump's claims at one time — that it was all a lie.
Yes, the basis for “extortion” cross-examination is that the sex never happened so the demand for $ not to talk about the sex is “extortion”. If the sex happened (which I completely believe) demanding $ to keep quiet is capitalism, not extortion.
UNITED STATES v. JACKSON (1999) | Case opinion for US 2nd Circuit UNITED STATES v. JACKSON. Read the Court's full decision on FindLaw.
Thank you — for helping me to understand. So, in some respects, how the jury 'views' Stormy or Karen (I assume she might be called) could play a role in how they decide? i.e. if they believe the sex happened. Is that an accurate assessment/possibility?
Karen McDougal already testified.
sorry, I am behind. I work as a high school teacher, so trying to stay abreast as best I can.
No need to apologize. Because National Enquirer paid McDougal and David Pecker would not accept Michael Cohen’s convoluted manner to reimburse AMI, there are no charges tied to that payoff.
Have you spoken/written on your general assessment of the trial thus far? If not, what are you seeing and thinking so far?
Not yet. I'm planning on writing something over this weekend. Very brief synopsis: Prosecution case is going in as smoothly as they could have expected. No defense moments to date. Nevertheless, it's hard to say anything until Michael Cohen testifies. Then, if Trump testifies, that's everything.
What are the odds Trump could testify without going all code red? I estimate about 20%?