
1/ This screenshot seems to me to be the best representation of why many people feel we are in a bad economy despite record high employment and continued GDP growth. During 2020, wages grew far faster than inflation. From 2021 - 23, inflation was higher than wage growth. For many people, . . .
2/2 . . . their paycheck buys less today than it did on Election Day 2020. The last year has seen wage growth much higher than inflation, so people (in aggregate) should start experiencing more prosperity. We will see.
Agreed on this but also imagine if we didn’t have the estimated 30-40% of inflation caused unnecessarily by corporate greed and price gouging. Not to mention an entire right wing media ecosystem lying to its audience daily and MSM almost entirely wrong on the chances of a recession for a yearp
Thanks for these, and for your interpretation 😀. Curious how & why the Statista data masks the two big swings in wages growth in 2020 & 2021. And why should the BLS data be behind a paywall?
I got the BLS chart from The NY Times (paywall).
BLS data are readily available, not behind a paywall. The analysis and specific charts derived from the raw data are not. Example:
Consumer Price Index Summary - 2024 M04 Results
And so many sectors have seen zero to little wage growth since before 2020. Even if you get a 1-3% wage increase, the increase in health care premiums alone eat that up. Then add groceries and rent …
The average hourly wage spike in 2020 only happened because so many low wage workers were immediately laid off while most higher earners kept their jobs working from home.
True. The federal government also provided enormous amounts of emergency funding to individuals. The goal was to prevent a decline in aggregate demand, and that was a success. Trump went along with the largest payments to individuals in American history, in order to try to win re-election.
Yes, the $600 a week *on top of* regular unemployment was a massive increase in income for many. We were so incredibly lucky Trump still managed to lose that election!
I thought he would win if he had convinced Republicans in the Senate to either make the second stimulus check larger (say $1,500 vs $600) or send out a third one before the election.
They'll commit crimes and rip up the Constitution to win, but actually handing out money to the poor is a step too far! 😂
This is exactly what middle and lower class workers are dealing with. It barely matters if your wages went up 10% if your cost rose 15%. The economy is failing large groups of people even if GDP is rising.
I'd disagree with the use of the present tense here. The curves switched position over a year ago.