
1/ My thoughts on the Presidential Race after Thursday night's debate. A. Joe Biden had a very bad night. He appeared frail and disoriented, particularly at the start. He was poorly served by a format that provided for no "fact checking" by the moderators, because he was not up to the job of . .
2/ . . . correcting Trump's egregious and repeated lies. B. Donald Trump had, in my opinion, the second worst Presidential debate performance in history. He lied throughout, did not bother to veil his fascist intentions and declared "I did not have sex with a porn star" - which will likely . .
3/ . . . come back to haunt him, including during sentencing on July 11. C. If people believe that Joe Biden just had a "bad night", it will be relatively easy for him overcome this moment. If people that Joe Biden is only going to get worse, it will be much harder. D. In the 24 hours after . .
4/ . . . Joe Biden and his team did a great job to staunch the bleeding. His appearance in North Carolina was as a good as I could have imagined. E. The NY Times calling for Biden to drop out, without calling for FPOTUS to do the same, was the most irresponsible thing I have ever seen it do.
5/ F. For the last 44 years, I have versed myself on DNC Convention rules (since I was a 10 year old supporter of Ted Kennedy's call for an open convention in 1980). I am not aware of any process that would allow for a seamless transfer of delegates from Biden to anyone. G. Creating chaos . . .
6/ . . . at the 2024 DNC would seem to be a recipe for disaster. I think that things could go as badly as 1968 in Chicago, if there is an attempt by the DNC to push aside Biden and/or Harris against their will. G. I will vote for WHOEVER I believe is the most likely to defeat Donald Trump in . .
7/ . . . Donald Trump in November. I mean that literally. If it is Joe Biden, I will work my hardest to re-elect President Biden. If it is Kamala Harris, I will work my hardest to elect VP Harris. If it is ANY other individual (from Bernie Sanders to Joe Manchin), I'll work my hardest for them.
8/8 In my opinion, the return of Donald Trump to the White House would threaten the survival of the Republic. I believe that it would literally threaten the physical safety of millions of Americans, including me. Now is the time for Solidarity!
Great thread, Mitchell. Fully endorse all of it.
You've echoed most all of my thoughts. My worry is Biden's handlers were so caught off guard. That tells me that they haven't been interacting with him much at 9-10pm. My worry is that this was a time of day issue. If he's sundowning and that's why his team was caught off guard. Can hedo itnow?