
I apologise for this being totally off topic but… Is there any reason at all why Trump can’t make Trump Jr his running mate for VP?
The only restrictions on VP choice: 1. Must be eligible to be POTUS (35 years old, natural born citizen, has not served 2 terms as POTUS); & 2. Not “inhabitant” of same state as POTUS. Penalty for #2 is can’t win EVs of that state. If Don Jr. is FL resident, he would have to move to run for VP.
Thanks, Mitchell. So, given the financial resources, it’s no big deal for Trump Jr to move home….or at least give the appearance of having done so. I don’t put *anything* past Trump and I think it’s more than possible Trump sees a Presidential dynasty. Worrying times.
The real answer is Junior wouldn't be his preferred child, Ivanka would be the far smarter familial pick for competency's sake.
I agree totally. But she appears to have distanced her so from him. She and the guy she married, whose father was pardoned by Trump, cashed in with the $2bn from the Saudis. Mission accomplished.