
Since my childhood on LI, I’ve been an Irish Republican. “England Out Of Ireland” has always resonated with me. I cheered the Good Friday Accords. I believe Brexit made Irish reunification more likely. I think the crazy-quilt economic border with GB & EU will make referendum more likely soon.
The SF-DUP balance is hopeful. As a proponent of non-violence, I have some reservations, but I’ve joked to friends that Ireland is the only place where I may be mistaken for a Republican.
I’m an Irish Republican (pro-reunification (through referendum)) and a British Republican (anti-monarchy). I’m as far as possible from being an American Republican. In fact, I believe the current American Republican Party is a threat to the survival of the American Republic.
I live in Wicklow and 100% of my friends in the North are in favour of (re)unification. Brexit sealed it for the remaining holdouts (other than the hardcore unionists). My understanding is that the UK would prefer this as well because that bit of this island costs them a lot of money.