
Late last year I found some of S. Florida's tiny Schizomida whiptail scorpions and brought one home to my isopod enclosure. She still poking around in there! Just a tiny wild dog with the usual number of legs, running at the feet of African elephants (also with the usual number of legs)🥹 🌿 🦂
Real question: years ago I made an isopod-quarium by accident (leaves, detritus, plants, water, and food chucked in a tank and left alone) and I loved them, but I feel like there's got to be a more structured/logical/knowledgable way to do it. Are there resources or a community you know of?
I’m (perhaps unnecessarily) disdainful of terrariums with isopods in them. they are greedy little beasts that eat everything and pile their feces sky-high if you feed them like you should. I much prefer to keep my plants and isopods separate; both will be happier like that
Is there a name or community for isopod-specific environments? Or are they just under the terrarium-brella?
a box of dirt and potato peelings