
Lots of fascinating details in this article on how we got to this stage of AI companies, but one bit that caught my attention: it claims Elon left OpenAI because he wanted to change it from nonprofit to for profit.
Ego, Fear and Money: How the A.I. Fuse Was The people who were most afraid of the risks of artificial intelligence decided they should be the ones to build it. Then distrust fueled a spiraling competition.
That's interesting because these days (including at Dealbook) he keeps complaining about how they're for-profit when what he helped setup was not-for-profit.
Follows the same logic as he free speech absolutism
He clearly just has a bunch of temporary strongly felt positions and arguments of convenience rather than a long-term plan. Weird that his worshippers don't see his obvious immature humanity.
It’s somewhat reminiscent how the a16z guys were positioning cryptocurrency as an existential American Values ™️ fight against AI which apparently stood for centralization and China…right up until the latest crash and now they’re all in on AI. And it’s still somehow an existential fight with China
We have always been at war with Eastasia
I have to disagree with this supposed synonymy. Back when AI art started taking off, for example, I polled the SD Reddit. Strong crypto supporters were single-digits. By far the most common poll choice was "Crypto can go die in a ditch".
I’m talking about the flip-flopping a16z specifically (esp Andreessen) did on their attempt at igniting a crypto vs AI culture war to puff up their poor investments, similar to what Musk is doing (as far as flip-flopping and pretending the new position was always his position).
Why let VC people define an entire field? I care about the people developing and using specific technologies, not some perennially awful silicon valley types. Like, should Bill Gates's monopolitic tactics have been allowed to define people who use computers and the internet in the 90s/00s?
But I get it, you were talking about a narrower focus than I was.
I’m not? They tried and failed (except among a few of their fans that aren’t really in the field) to generate a conflict where there wasn’t really one beyond access to GPUs, the only really notable thing is how their (dis)loyalty to this line of “thought” mimics Musk’s.
I'd suspect the problem is less with it being for-profit than that they didn't like his method of going that way. The outcome doesn't matter, only him being seen as being right.
wait ur saying he’s a cynical amoral hypocrite?
Best minds on the planet.
Isn't that backwards? Indeed, it changed to for-profit *after* he left.
That's why it's interesting
What em says and what he does are 2 totally different things. He's For Profit in every aspect of every company and venture he's done. He's got the only major pay as you go social media site, and is teetering on making it across the board or no use. Others know him better than he does himself.