
I live in what’s supposedly the least churched part of the country. Still seems heavily churched, to me. They’re everywhere. Drive around: Church, church, church. 🙄
Cell phone data shows only 5% of Americans actually attend church regularly. Two things bothering me here: Isn’t it creepy that your phone data can be used to determine how regularly you attend church, or any other place for that matter?
Analysis | The most religious, and religiously diverse, places in This week, we mine the U.S. Religious Census, a decennial count of America’s faithful, for insights into the geography of religious devotion. We also compare people’s claims on church attendance to th...
I'm across the river from you and same if only 5% of the population attend church why is there one on every other corner? Could it be a legit tax shelter? and for who? and why doesn't the IRS investigate them..if you look it up, it's really complicated, it's basically a rats maze.
The church organization takes in the cash, er, donations, and it’s not taxed and they can do whatever they want with it. In the case of the Mormon church, they have some crazy huge investment fund. Doesn’t sound like they are doing much for the poor with it. $100 billion in Ensign Peak Advisors