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Book lover. Dog lover. Fighting cancer. Ex Postie
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
New York Times headline stumbles were apparent and in the spotlight on Fourth of July. Major subscribers call for it to shut down.
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
One thing is certain. Every ruling this Extreme Court makes is going to be highly suspect and likely bought and paid for by a billionaire. Until its overhauled this court cannot be trusted to make honest rulings predicated on existing laws. They twist the law like pretzels to fit their schemes.
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
capitolhunters: To everyone appalled by NYT's July 4 op-ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", note that 1) author Matthew Walther DID vote in both 2020 and 2022, and 2) he's an extremist Catholic graduate of Hillsdale College, part of the religious-right faction behind Jan 6. lol💀
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
"Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations." Hopeful.
Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case, sources Brazilian police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia duri...
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Reposted byAvatar Audrey
Hello, 911! I just witnessed a murder.
The fact that Trump was considered the ‘winner’ for lying solidly for 90 minutes & not being fact-checked once by multimillionaire CNN pundits & then the entire MSM spent a week piling on Joe Biden’s age shows you how much Donald Trump has already remade this country, like it or not. -Noel Casler
Here’s how the U.S. would look if what happened in the UK happened here. -Keith Edwards
Gov. Gavin Newsom Last night I had the opportunity to talk to the President for an hour. I mean this with absolute conviction: That was the Joe Biden I remember from 2 weeks ago, 2 years ago. That's the Joe Biden that I'm looking forward to re-electing President of the United States."
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
Roberts et al knew EXACTLY what they were doing - gutting and re-writing the Constitution. The 6 are crooked but why would they go THAT far? B/c they know Trump is guilty AF (they're partisan & corrupt not stupid). They knew if trials proceeded Trump & enablers were finished. And GOP was too.
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
Congratulations on being the next jury that will decide Trump's guilt or innocence. Given that none of Trump's other cases will be tried before Nov. We The People are the final jury standing between Trump & dictatorship. On Nov. 5 we WILL vote guilty!
Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) on Congratulations on being selected to serve on the next jury that will decide Trump's guilt or innocence. Given that none of Trump's other cases will be tried before Nov., We The People are the final....
Biden is old. Trump wants to implement his Project 2025, which would ban abortion nationwide, go after birth control, abolish the Department of Education, gut voting rights, separate families, construct mass detention camps for immigrants, and arm teachers. Take your pick. -Brian Tyler Cohen
What crap. The Post falls over itself to praise fascists. She voted for some of the most heinous decisions in the history of the Court. But let's do a puff piece on "her own path." -Jeff Jarvis
So now he walks too fast? 🙄🙄
Biden is old. He's going to keep getting older. Trump is old AND batshit crazy. He's going to keep getting older and crazier. Vote accordingly. Vote Blue!
“You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany, Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk or Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.” -Keith Edwards
Do people realize just how dangerous Project 2025 really is? Read the list. Vote Blue!
When the history of this miserable era of American politics is finally written, I hope entire chapters are dedicated to the Republicans who failed to convict him in the Senate after January 6th. In so many ways we’re living in the world they made. -David French
Remember: Almost all of us are the descendants of immigrants who fled persecution, or were brought to America under duress, or simply sought better lives for themselves and their descendants. Donald Trump wants to stoke so much fear and hatred that people forget this. Do not. -Robert Reich
Reposted byAvatar Audrey
Keir Starmer, 61, is a social liberal, fiscal moderate and leader of the United Kingdom’s Labour Party, which polls predict will win Thursday’s parliamentary election by a landslide.
Who is Keir Starmer? A look at the man likely to become the next U.K. prime The U.K. is electing a new prime minister. Leading in the polls is a human rights lawyer and a knight who's rumored to have inspired a character in the Bridget Jones movies.
POTUS Donald Trump attempted to overthrow an election, wants to be a dictator on day one & has promised revenge and retribution if he wins—and the Supreme Court he appointed just gave him virtually unlimited immunity to do it. Ask yourself: What will happen next? ⬇️
Joe Biden (@joebiden) on Donald Trump attempted to overthrow an election, wants to be a dictator on day one, and has promised revenge and retribution if he wins—and the Supreme Court he appointed just gave him virtually...
Back in 1965, an unknown Welsh pub singer appeared on American television for the first time. His name was Tom Jones, and he’d been given a shot on The Ed Sullivan Show.
‘It’s Not Unusual’ A Reason To Smile
It comes down to this — Do we love our country and do we value American democracy more than the MAGA cult loves the convicted felon? -Vince D. Monroy