
Okay if you see a new account fundraising for Gaza you can send them a link to this doc to help them avoid a spam tag! Please let me know if anyone has any ideas to make it more relevant (also hopefully will be getting a good Arabic translation soon).…
Hey if you see a Gazan account following a bunch of accounts or sending a bunch of replies or if they DM you randomly- please send them my way so I can help them understand the spam rules and keep their accounts from being flagged- instead of just reporting them
You do not need to be sure this is a valid account/ not a scam or anything before sending them this information. It is just general information (that likely scammers would already know). Also I included some tips on how to authenticate their stories/ fundraising links.
Hopefully this will be helpful as a community to support these accounts- while I am annoyed by the spam label- and hope there is an exception made for many of these accounts, I also don't think those tactics are very good for actually raising the funds they need anyways- so lets help them out.
molly you angel 🙏🏻
It was just making me bananas lol
it was making a lot of people bananas, but you did something about it! Antifalschesspamlabele Aktion 💀