
Absolutely wild- when I last had car insurance in AK, my payment was $68 a month. 7 years later, the exact same policy on the same car with only 1 speeding ticket in 2018 is now $102 a month 😳
That's a 6% increase per year. Over inflation, but perhaps not such a radical increase. (mind, with 7 years and only 1 speeding ticket, you'd expect discounts)
how much did the value of the car increase over that time? because that’s how car prices work, right?
Ah, I missed that. (Round here, new cars often have lower insurance fees, likely because they also cover damage to other's cars in an accident)
sorry that my reply came out snarkier than intended. we’re required to carry liability coverage in the US as well, but premiums for newer cars are definitely more expensive
Ironically since my car is a 2004, I now am actually paying more bc it doesn't have as many safety features as newer ones that would get me discounts 🙃
Insurance pricing can be really opaque. I knew someone who works for an insurance company, setting the prices. Sounded really complex (they've a Masters degree in mathematics).