Mordun Solar

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Mordun Solar

Baldur's Gate 3 controls surprisingly well on console. I do miss the PC's hotbar at the bottom with all the action icons. Sure, it gets a bit confusing when you have 50 options but I got used to it.
Baldur’s Gate 3 deluxe edition! A few months delayed but it’s finally here. Time to sink another 100+ hours into the PS5 version.
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Just got an email saying my PS5 copy of Baldur's Gate 3 deluxe edition has finally shipped, after a few months delay. It's a 4th of July miracle!
I realized my Elden Ring character was in New Game Plus so I just have to rush and beat Mohg and Radahn in order to be ready for the big DLC. Thank goodness for guides.
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Space exploration news is really exciting this week. - China is doing a sample return mission from the far side of the Moon. - Starship has had it’s most successful test flight so far. Survived re-entry. - Starliner is finally flying astronauts to the ISS.
Duke Nukem voice: Damn, I'm looking good. (Selaco)
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In good new game news, Selaco is finally out. It's early access but it's a full length game with mod support and upcoming expansions. All in a heavily modified Doom engine.
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The only thing I'll say about the new Assassin's Creed game (besides getting it when it's not $90) is that whenever I hear shinobi I think of the old game commercial that ends with a guy shouting, "Shinobi's back!"
Stellar Ella and her never ending search for cans!
Started Hades II and 15 minutes later a naked woman is helping me. Usually you have to mod a game for that!
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Years ago i predicted an industry crash for gaming, so here are my thoughts moving forward
"You give a man one iota of authority over others and he becomes a tyrant..." "Bob, he's just the department manager. Now clean up the salsa spill on aisle 2."
2B and her Pod look… different. (Stellar Blade on PS5)
When the Baldur's Gate 3 mod tools are released I hope we see Karlach breakdancing mods ASAP.
Oh snap, gifs now work! Here's one from a "real" scene in Mass Effect 3.
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I breathe a sigh of relief when Windows Update finishes and nothing changes or gets added after a reboot. And no, Windows, I will not subscribe to Office. Still have my copy of Office XP that still works.
All the new Fallout show is missing is a part where a big monster like a Deathclaw suddenly stops attacking the protagonist and suddenly ascends to the sky. This was my first encounter with a Deathclaw in Fallout 3. Hell of a first impression!
Either someone at YouTube is letting their pants-on-head stupid algorithm change the layout or someone in charge is doing pots.* *crushing clay pots into dust and snorting it
Begone, AI parasite! (this just popped up after a reboot)
Partial eclipse through clouds from August 2017!
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Happy First Contact Day to all who celebrate
This is probably just me but for a while I thought liquid smoke was a vaping thing.
I kinda feel like I'm missing out on earthquakes. The most punishing mother nature can be where I live is winter wind chill so cold that it hurts your bones and your feelings.
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