
As depressing as the debate was. Today's is probably more depressing. The damage of Trump '16's judicial appointments just does not end.
I can't decide if I'm angrier that they're evil, or that they're fucking hacks on top of it.
Weirdly, we could probably have a workable SCOTUS with any two of his three picks if the two justices they replaced were Alito and Thomas. They're all very bad, but VORP ACB, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh are all less worse than Alito and Thomas. I did not see that one coming*
* this might all be effectively a ruse, those three have a decade plus to influence policy they can be patient, whereas Alito and Thomas are both chomping at the bit to retire after having destroyed the federal government as it has existed since 1928.
you're speaking my love language
Kind of an L on Trump's part that he had basically carte blanche to pick judges and still went 0 for 3 on finding someone who's a bigger freak then Thomas or Alito.
I have to admit part of my heart is invigorated over every little bit of thwarting Alito and Thomas have to deal with because they are incapable of dealing with it without being huge manbabies