
What in the fuck "organized process" was supposed to happen in a candidate deciding whether to run? The "organized process" for deciding the nominee is the primary (ended this month, Biden won). Fucking Peter David out here like "well ackshually no one wrote a pros/cons list"
What in the blue fuck is the word “oligarchy” doing in here to mean “group of trusted advisers and friends”? My god, get a fucking grip.
It is incredibly inconvenient for so many narratives that there was an open primary, no serious challengers entered, and Biden won it handily, with 2012 Obama rates of uncommitted on 75% more raw turnout. And so basically everyone just pretends that didn't happen and doesn't count.
Whole lot of people seem to mistake "no, he just won the primaries because that's how incumbency works" for "OMG there wasn't even a primary"
"The person who won the election to land their first term gets to decide whether they want to run again and, if they do so, are pretty much guaranteed to win the primary for obvious reasons" is a hard thing for a lot of folks to grasp.
"Fuck those party elites, they can't override the will of the voters, unless I think the voters fucked up in which case there should be a way for party elites to override the will of the voters".
Both of these comments are disingenuous. They ignore that running against Biden would be political suicide because of the influence of party elites and donors. Democratic voters were dissatisfied and were given no organized alternatives.
"Hey, the Chicago Bulls beat that elementary school basketball team fair and square, they obviously are the best team in the US."
the lived experience with age in elections, for better or worse, is that it actually does not matter to voters. John Ashcroft famously lost a senate campaign to a guy who who had been dead for three weeks!