
Sometimes i wake up at 3 am in a cold sweat imagining someone saying, "if you actually cared you would have made it a priority" And then I panic set 17 more alarms for everything
It is very hard to relax if you’ve spent a lot of your life constantly re-learning the message of “at any time, you will likely be confronted with news that your horrible ADHD brain forgot to do something incredibly important, and now everyone is mad at you.”
undiag adhd + undiag sleep apnea was a trip in college "wait I set all these alarms how did I sleep thru them"
I'm going to queue up that Chidi .gif that says 'I am going to start -crying-' and let it play on loop for 45 minutes in hopes that it can at least scratch the surface of how hard I feel this.
“You’re late because you don’t respect my time.” I used to feel so guilty and now I just want to shout FUCK YOU to those people.
I had a now ex friend who played the “if you cared about me you would reach out more” OH BOY