Bree (half of Kit Rocha)

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Bree (half of Kit Rocha)

Currently writing SEXY FANTASY romance! Chaotic Good Bard. Bestselling post-apoc kissing books as Kit Rocha. #TeamADHD Rep'd by Sarah Younger at NYLA & loves giant pretzels. Hiding in the Alabama woods. Not asking for tech advice, ever.
It does appeal to my sense of the dramatic, but I am Very Online
Flouncing off into the night and mystery forever at this point would be a power move.
goodbye I am leaving the internet. I still don't know if we'll make the overall $1,000,000 lifetime goal... but I'm now thinking we'll POSSIBLY COME PRETTY CLOSE 💗 either way, "almost a million"
!!!! Y'all, another VERY SPECIFIC MILESTONE has been smashed! Romancing the Vote's lifetime total has now reached $925,000!!! Thank you. You rock. New goal unlocks tomorrow! For now, plot your endgame. http://auction.roman...
I mean on the plus side, this is the one night of the year where the answer to "fireworks or gun" is usually NOT gun! however my poor puppies 😭 the backwoods fireworks brigade is going wild this year and not even the chill puppy meds can help
Because the bidding is getting fairly ridiculous on the annotated Beyond series, I'm going to try to inspire it to get even more ridiculous by pointing out *how cool* I will make this for whoever wins. Vellum inserts means NO LIMITS. You want maps? I got maps.
Brace yourselves, friends. There are still 32 hidden Buy it Nows and I'm about to unleash an avalanche of them. By 8pm eastern we should have most of them available, and y'all can begin to plot your final 24 hour strategy. May the force be with you.
If you are mad at the NYT and don't feel like fucking with the auction today, I also invite you to just go directly to which is where all of our auction payments will go, and from there directly on to voting organizations who will make sure those who WANT to vote can.
Chip in! Show your support with a contribution.
flawless, no notes
I needed a terrible Solas tshirt/poster design so this happened Cry Havoc in the Moonlight with the Dread Wolf tonight babey #dragonage
It is kind of wild that on this, the week of "it is our national identity* to hate kings" a bunch of our institutions are like "but what if... king? 🤔" *we all know there was a lot going on but that's the story we put on the tin, anyway
I’ve got 2 items up for bid in the auction! There’s so much cool stuff w $$ going to voting rights orgs! PAYAL MEHTA’S ROMANCE REVENGE PLOT arc! 1 hour zoom sesh about writing for Marvel etc:
we don't have a "fuck the NYT" sticker but we do have this, which is almost as good
Y'all, I hadn't even made this image yet!!! But WOOHOO, we are at $140,000 raised this year! To celebrate, I stealth launched a few more wonderful autographed books into the BIN category! http://auction.roman...
Did you miss out on the grantwriting class with Claire Willett? Now's your chance. She's generously offered to add 20 more slots--and one additional class--for all our participants.
Grantwriting Master Auction item 'Grantwriting Master Class' hosted online at 32auctions.
I am so happy I know Claire & that she has given us this AMAZING use of her time!!! 💗 Not just because of the $10,000 now, but because I know that the downstream impact of this could be HUGE as more people gain this superpower & use it to do more good.
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 100TH CALLER!!! my grantwriting class is now sold out, which means $10,000 raised for Fair Fight & Vote Riders. thank you!!!!
I was so excited when asked me to design bangles for the 2024 auction! I’m even more excited that there are only 11 left!! Don’t miss out!
So excited to share these absolutely ADORABLE additions to our Buy it Now stash, handmade by author 😍
We were talking about this on the volunteer discord and the tl;dr was: the description for this item is AMAZING ENOUGH that now 97 people have immediately handed over $100, which really is all the proof you need that Claire is the person to teach you how to get people to hand over money.
97 of 100 sold on auction day 3???? holy shit????? that’s almost $10,000 for voting rights orgs just from this dumbass right here 🤯
go go go bid bid bid
Mid-auction reminder: I have three items up for auction on! Each of the three is a choice between a full novel manuscript critique and a Zoom call to talk about game writing (general, not Veilguard). All three currently up for grabs!
Romancing the Vote Silent auction 'Romancing the Vote 2024' hosted online at 32auctions.
I am laughing so hard that the Consort of Fire/Queen of Dreams ARC auctions where we include our beautiful swag box full of handmade/3d printed goodies are both going for HALF AS MUCH as the one where I just draw terrible stick figure art on a piece of vellum. why do you all want my humiliation???
the best part of being too busy to function for the last week is that I'm pretty sure I've missed out on at least 17 democratic panic meltdowns and I definitely don't regret a thing
Doing things--finding your team, finding your community--is magical. The feeling of helplessness is there to remind you to find your tiny corner of the world where you have that, where you can pitch in and do something.
I honestly think that there is no greater tribute to our books or legacy of them, than knowing that those books attracted a group of people who wanted to build community and a commitment to using our collective resources to help each other when we needed it, and everyone else when we didn't.
We have never been alone: one of Bree's big selling points was "I know a bunch of people on the Discord who are willing to help," and boy were they ever. We knew romance would pitch in with items and spreading the word. It's been a team effort since the beginning.
I would like to point out that I said, "I bet we can raise like $10,000" and Courtney was like, "No, let's go for $20,000." 🤣
A little less than four years ago, said "what if we do an auction for the Georgia runoff?" and she and I batted the idea back and forth and picked a name and got a domain name and I woke up the next day and made a logo and got emails and a twitter account.
I am super emotional guys. Like so emotional I can't even really process it yet. I was *hoping* we would make it to this goal by the end of the auction. I can't believe we've hit it on Wednesday. 💗
WE DID IT!! On day *three* of this auction! Romancing the Vote has now raised $900,000 across all three auctions... and I think we can officially say that's almost a million dollars. Y'all are the BEST. http://auction.roman...
We were all watching the bid feed while this happened, and I just wanna say that I said something like "it's likely to be that puts us over" and lo and behold. Yet another person signing up for's masterclass on grant writing is what put us over.
WE DID IT!! On day *three* of this auction! Romancing the Vote has now raised $900,000 across all three auctions... and I think we can officially say that's almost a million dollars. Y'all are the BEST. http://auction.roman...
HOW DID I MISS THIS??? The auction has a quilt inspired by!!!
Look at this adorable Darth homage in the auction! Bidding on the skull quilt I also covet is up over $4000 now and I am wildly envious of whoever isn't me that wins it.
Red Panda quilted wall Auction item 'Red Panda quilted wall hanging' hosted online at 32auctions.
Don't look now but you're up to 60 people in your grant writing class. :D
took a brief moment out from trying to save voting rights to be boned by medical bureaucracy, shut down by my insurance company, and basically watch my latest attempt to be able to afford my meds crumble into dust hahahaha anyway, 90 seconds to stare into the void & I must get back to it.
I WANT TO!!! Honestly sometimes they post them from my ebook years and I AM IN THEM and the visceral flashbacks to the 2010s epub time are amazing. This would be so fun for someone & also great exposure to many romance readers!
I have COVID so my word abilities are not the strongest, but did I mention the item I donated to ? Wanna co-host two episodes of RT Rewind with me and Amanda?
Co-Host Romantic Times Auction item 'Co-Host Romantic Times Rewind' hosted online at 32auctions.
Having the money to bid war over your beloved fandom things for a good cause is just the dream, imo.
watching two Ali Hazelwood fans just King Kong vs Godzilla this e-ARC bidding from $650 to $2400 in 10 minutes has been the most fun I've had all morning