
this made so little sense to me I had to go read it in context and then I realized it says exactly what it means, my brain literally just couldn't parse being this evil literally giving your employees a doctor's note that says "we underpay them so like, would you mind taking the hit instead?"
What?!? "American has previously issued new flight attendants a 'courtesy' letter..In it, the company says that flight attendants only earn $27,315, and asks the reader to provide courtesy where they can. Having dealt with landlords, I’m sure they’ll all accept this piece of paper in lieu of rent."
...any courtesy you can provide? ANY COURTESY YOU CAN PROVIDE???
Saying "please", holding doors open, and so forth?
Some sort of thing like this is common in travel and tourism tho My old staff ID badge got me drivers rates for service station meals, tour guide access in various places, cheap/free hotels, etc Without knowing more context this looks like a confirmation of staff discount eligibility?
THIS IS NOT OKAY?????????????????????? they could just like PAY THEM????
Yeah, they could and should But you still get perqs for being staff —especially at airports and similar, staff canteen access, etc I think this letter is a seperate thing, and obviously decent wages necessary (my brain didn't parse exchange rate, £27K isn't bad for a trainee here but in USD? no)
I mean sure, staff discounts are great AS A BONUS, not when you're paying someone $27k and they have to live in NEW YORK CITY
ALSO when you are ACTUALLY getting employee discounts they're a set amount and you know where they are and can rely on them. like yeah I know when I get 10% off for renting from Hertz or whatever. having a letter that someone could look at and be like "nah not feeling it?" IS NOT A PERK
I was about to break into hysterical laughter at the idea of 30% wants and 20% savings, but I see now that they think we should all make $100k to $350k to live comfortably and ok yeah, that tracks. lol
I mean, for major metropolitan areas the numbers don't look too ridiculous to me, even without savings. But I'm also in British Columbia where the housing market is fuuuuuuucked, so that may be skewing my perspective.