
"Where were you when the mountain blew?" May 18, 1980, will always be a moment in time when people across the PNW and beyond remembered exactly where they were. A sense of wonder at nature's power, an equal horror at its ruthlessness, and profound sadness over the destruction witnessed.
May 18 End
A chapter closes on May 18. No longer will summers be spent at Spirit Lake. No longer will home be along the banks of the Toutle. It's the end of days of camping and hiking, skiing and fishing, warm cabin nights and beautiful snowcapped peaks. A paradise forever lost.
May 18 End
Yet, a chapter opens on May 18 — the rebirth and renewal of our Mount St. Helens, our Loowit, our lawilátɬa. Lessons learned would improve our understanding of our dynamic world. Lives would be saved due to the work to understand what happened. It's our chapter...and it's still being written.
Tonight, on the 44th anniversary of the eruption, a moment of pause and reflection for the 57 people who lost their lives on Sunday, May 18, 1980. Thank you for following along today and sharing your memories and interest in this incredible story. We'll continue tomorrow.
Thank you again for all of this wonderful material. This is the best of what a “history as it happens” account can be. Can’t believe that you were doing it on more than one platform, too! Amazing work. 👏
What can I say? I like a good challenge and, well, I've got a passion for this topic.
This has been magnificent today, the best of what social media can be. We're all looking forward to continuing with you.
Thanks for this impressive exhibition. I was alive but very young and a continent away but it’s always been fascinating.
This „live coverage“ was one of the rare opportunities showing what can be done with social media. Very well done! 👏🏻