
Frank Tuttle is such an underrated director. He wasn't going to win Oscars but there were few filmmakers who could bring as much fun per minute of movie. THE LUCKY DEVIL is about a male model who stumbles into entering a race in a cursed car. It's just as entertaining as it sounds.
There's a charm in the unpretentious. Tuttle's goal in the silent era was to keep you thoroughly entertained for beginning to end and he succeeded.
Yes, we all know silent movies covered the meaning of life, death and the universe. But sometimes you just want to see a beautiful man get into comedic and thrilling trouble because his car has a gremlin.
I love car-chase and racing comedies, especially from the silent era. LIZZIES OF THE FIELD and MABEL AT THE WHEEL are my jam, and I was pissing myself laughing at the final act of GIRL SHY. 😆🚗
Highly recommended just as pure, unadulterated fun