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Musician, husband, shoulder-angel, queer, he/him.

maybe the m is silent, but the rest is certainly not

producer of The Three Leonards
Lizzie Borden took an axe Gave herself a Brazilian wax
Reposted byAvatar mPony
Reposted byAvatar mPony
I used to work in a place like this lol. (Glad I don’t any more.)
fuck are we all making RFK Jr jokes today? alright. ...ahem... I guess *someone* forgot to walk without rhythm. but seriously it makes more sense that he's saying something just to avoid paying legal bills.
Reposted byAvatar mPony
Reposted byAvatar mPony
I want to see a sketch where Ernie Hudson tries to get a senior's discount somewhere and literally nobody will believe that he's a senior. and then someone yells HE'S A TIME TRAVELER and everyone freaks the fuck out, and then Ernie fucking vanishes because HE *IS* A TIME TRAVELER hey SNL, hire me
Paul Rudd may have just worked with a man who is aging even more slowly than he is. Ernie Hudson is *78*.
a VERY long time ago (in internet years) I wrote up the lyrics and chords to "Skullcrusher Mountain" by Jonathan Coulton, so I could play it with my camping buddies. I posted them on JoCo's website. They are still there :)
Eddie as-tu pété Eddie as-tu pété As-tu pété, Eddie? Eddie as-tu pété Eddie as-tu pété As-tu pété, Eddie?
so I just spent 3 hours reinstalling Win10 on my parents' PC because it's just so damn slow and it turns out it's because of the friggin' Hard Drive being old. It still works fine, it's just slow. So that's 3 hours of my life I could have spent chatting with them instead. lesson learned.
Reposted byAvatar mPony
Reposted byAvatar mPony
If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing
this is exactly why i still buy discs in 2023. it's crazy to think that we are reaching a point where piracy will be the only option to own media once dvds and blu-rays are gone.
has it ever been established where they were while we were getting high?
I don't know who needs to hear this, but here goes. Stop calling your genitals "junk" Junk is something that nobody wants. Thank you, and have a nice day.
hello Bluesky! This is my first post where I try to impress people with wit and wisdom. Seeing as the bar has been set pretty high for that already how about we dispose of all that. "Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose" is more than just a lyric from a great Rush song.
End of feed.