
TWISTER is a visual f/x reel masquerading as a movie.
I wish I had the chance to adapt it into the ROMANCING THE STONE-esque divorce adventure comedy TV series it deserves to be (also to flesh out the side characters who get just enough exposition to confuse… Jeremy Davies is afraid of tornadoes? What is Preacher’s job/deal?)
Write Gertz's character out of that movie and you're on your way!
Valid, though she does have my favorite line in the movie: “when you told me you chased tornadoes, deep down I always thought it was a metaphor”
This is true. She just falls into a shtick rut. My biggest issue is that, outside of the first scene, there's no danger in the first act. That movie needs an Alex Kintner.
It being a summer SFX blockbuster, it felt like the desired conflict was man vs weather events, like the tornadoes were JURASSIC PARK dinosaurs despite having the sentience of airborne dirt