
I have finished this thread now so I am quote-skeeting so people can find it please read my controversial writing group opinions
god, i was going to come on here and start a discussion about writing groups, because i have opinions. perhaps some hot takes. i am fully aware that I could be mistaken on any of these points, let's talk about it. first. it's a clique. it has to be. get all right with that. 🧵
I love this so much. I remember learning to be specific about the kind of feedback I wanted—not just in general, but every time I shared a piece. Learning to do that—and being with people who respected it—was a revelation. Sometimes you just want to be heard. Sometimes you want tons of feedback.
The big thing is “tons of feedback” is the trap that so many folks fall into. You don’t want a dozen opinions. You want two or three GOOD opinions.
Absolutely. I've seen so many stories get workshopped to death
This times infinity. I recently went through this experience and now wish I'd declined to participate.
Yes, and to be clear, I'm differentiating between "I need you to be my audience but I don't want to hear any feedback at all" and "I want the two or three of you to lean in and really tell me what I think." The quality of your group really matters: I'm with the OP that it's a *good clique.*
Don't remember who it was, but a screenwriter put it like this: "Listen when someone says something is wrong/doesn't feel right. Ignore them when they tell you exactly how to fix it. They're almost always wrong." The idea is, it's your work. Do it your way, not someone else's.
I heard that was from , but that could have been an erroneous attribution.