Tyrone Among The Rush's Moving Pictures

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Tyrone Among The Rush's Moving Pictures


I am, above all, dedicated to the great expenditure of time and effort in pursuit of laziness.
All things being equal, every stripe of "This is just a victory for apathy" can and should fuck off into the sun (and possibly The Sun, too). It's just "silent majority" bullshit all over again, recruiting an army to break up an argument on nothing but piss and wind
There comes a time in every man's life when it's simply time to sit down and read "The Player Of Games" and "Use Of Weapons" again.
Someone at Tokai should absolutely sue Gibson for the way the Theodore is just a knock-off Talbo Burning Fire in cheaper materials
[Train Voice] What's that shoutin' Einstürzende Neubauten On the radio, Stereo Blixa, Alex, NU and Jo
One of the more complicated mental experiments is to work out if someone is genuinely hot or just absolutely rocking one of your particular thangs. Or if that actually matters.
Well, Lance, unlike in your era they can stop moving after a race without their blood turning to fucking porridge so mebbe sit the fuck down
Deeply cool and good. What the bugfuck media needs is something to automate its feedback loop and escalate the conspiratorial circle jerking.
I. FUCKING. CALLED. IT. I clearly remember telling a NZ government official at RightsCon nine months ago that this was going to happen, because OF COURSE something like the Epoch Times wants its garbage laundered and spit out as true facts by AI!
You couldn't make Columbo these days, because of woke* *Because his magical ability to spot the evil bastard amongst a crowd of rich elites would simply be overwhelmed with the background level of banal malice
It's a bit of an admission, but at 44 years old I can finally look at something I soldered and say, honestly "That's not shit"
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-68465624 Just in case you were under the impression there's such a thing as British Justice, this case won't be investigated because the government has kept too details secret to protect itself. Imagine this happening with a murder in England
Sean Brown: Coroner to seek public inquiry into killingwww.bbc.co.uk GAA official Sean Brown was shot in 1997, with documents revealing state agents were linked to his killing.
Blade Runner 2049 missed a trick not calling the scandal that collapsed Tyrell Corp Tannhausergate
Isn't it weird how almost every media moral panic, from comic books through "video nasties" to this present smartphone panic crystallises around the cheapest and most easily accessible entry point to said material, and only tangentially to the material itself?
Smartphones are newspapers’ natural enemies so it’s no surprise we’re getting these takes again, opportunistically hooked to a mother’s grief. Funnily enough, the people who most believe their children don’t need to engage with tech are also very rich.
@weirdguita.rs I can't help but think this one of mine is at least as weird as some you've featured
With the dust beginning to settle on the FTX/SBF cluster-con, I'm still pretty sure you could start the exact same scam in the morning and possibly make even more money because this time the marks would think they were in on it.
Pointing out that crimes committed in vehicles, like death by dangerous driving, reckless driving &c, are routinely undercharged because the majority of the jury pool are drivers.
I stole this meme, much like Stan Lee stole credit from his much more talented collaborators. And I LIKE Stan Lee
Today in Xitters "Your version of most people ain't my version of most people"
End of feed.