Tyrone Among The Rush's Moving Pictures

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Tyrone Among The Rush's Moving Pictures


I am, above all, dedicated to the great expenditure of time and effort in pursuit of laziness.
I think it's maybe just me being from the island next door but there's so many *really specific* references to the British class system and hierarchy in Discworld, but this is spot on. The Wizards are post-colonial landed gentry. They used to fuck everything up, everywhere...
...and now they get thrown money and cake to sit in old buildings and try really hard not to do that again. They're an enforced version of the other Discworld heroes, going against their own very nature because it makes things better
And if that doesn't happen, we'll just fake the ever-loving fuck out of it for long enough to bilk all the money left. I think the last man to make predictions this confident of future returns was Bernie someone, can't quite bring the fucking name to mind...
The only comparison I can think of is Bon Scott era AC/DC, which sounds like it was a hell of a time. Kinda certain it probably wasn't a good 60-70% of the time
All things being equal, every stripe of "This is just a victory for apathy" can and should fuck off into the sun (and possibly The Sun, too). It's just "silent majority" bullshit all over again, recruiting an army to break up an argument on nothing but piss and wind
There comes a time in every man's life when it's simply time to sit down and read "The Player Of Games" and "Use Of Weapons" again.
I used to see this unicycling guy all the time in Belfast who would carefully d-lock his cycle (uike?) to a lamppost or similar to go into shops etc. and I could never figure out why. Surely you find your stolen unicycle 5 yards up the street next to a bleeding dude with no teeth left?
What the Stasi lacked was this kind of entrepreneurial get-up-and-go.
And there I was thinking of hitting you up for a price for a cap job
Shit, fictional portrayals of addicts make this so painfully, stupidly obvious. Look, they're actually people who had some extreme hardships! Who would have thunk it?!
"Me And Chet" and "Me And Jerry" are two absolute all-time crackers. People really don't realise what an absolute fucking monster picker Jerry Reed was.
I was at Disney Paris earlier this year and honestly doesn't seem like they tried. They're just not there, like some Netflix algorithm cancellation if it doesn't sell enough cuddly things in the first week. It's very jarring when older, objectively more obscure IP is still merched to the teeth
And the songs are better. They're in the narrative, they're almost diegetic, whereas Frozen in particular they feel much more like "The big number"
It's like a homeopathic serial dilution. You start with Tangled, dilute that to Frozen, dilute that to Frozen 2, and then the final watery mess was Wish. I will absolutely die on the hill that Tangled is the best "princess" movie out of the house of mouse since they co-opted "Brave"
The version of High Noon Amsterdam on that record, man. I was/am a big Lanegan guy and I still think that might just be peak Rock Lanegan.
I saw them in Nottingham a good 15 years ago, a day of utter chaos (hotel was in the process of closing down, flight from Belfast was late, there was a beer festival, I got mugged) and it was exactly and entirely as good as you could ever hope it would be. Such a shame Goss went a bit nuts
There's a subset of (mostly, if not totally) guys who will buy something hideously overpriced with well known and acknowledged flaws as some kind of weird flex. The Cybertruck is merely the first one that can potentially kill them and a selection of bystanders
I will tell you this for free. A bar full of AI jackasses getting fed lines through an earpiece is certainly going to end my social drinking.
The Walrus AAV from Carrier Command (Atari ST, 1988) This is why Tesla don't make 'em in Yellow. The Walrus could actually function as a boat, too
Overpriced conspicuous consumption fusion bullshit as a power move. For the people who don't understand the characters of American Psycho are supposed to be a bunch of wankers
That's a rarely seen commitment to Darwinian principles
Undead James Connolly just slapping the piss out of Aontú reps