
Women 2016: He is dangerous, you need to vote Hillary The News/pundits 2016: Lol wine moms don’t understand politics or emails Women2024: It’s fine, we’re pissed and gonna clobber Trump The News/pundits 2024: YOU NEED TO TAKE US SERIOUSLY BIDEN IS GONNA LOSE REPLACE HIM WITH ANYBODY (not kamala)
I'm not the biggest Harris fan, but the age issues appear to be really piling up and she's the only credible replacement so 🤷🏻
Alas we can not. A woman will not be president in the US in my lifetime. Every man will find a reason to vote trump or stay home.
After watching what they did to Hillary? The left will switch to ACAB includes Kamala. The right just has to dog whistle that she is a woman and brown The News will bitch about her clothing, posture and wonder aloud if she is mature enough to run a country. Nothing changes.
I don’t think ppl quite understand that you don’t win Pulitzers writing about a happy country. You win them writing about women dying in childbirth in Texas. No switch is gonna be magic when the news wants the drama.
apparently the only thing uniting the country right now is that, when the right whistles, everybody does their little dance.
What to do when you agree completely but really don't love/like the fact that it is true?