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Reposted byAvatar Craig
Have we done this one yet
Reposted byAvatar Craig
if we can get the retvrn chuds and the hindutva chuds to go to war we can perhaps finally end that terrible website
Hey let's check in on Twitter....nope nope nope nope
Reposted byAvatar Craig
From widow of rally shooting victim Corey Comperatore, Helen:
Reposted byAvatar Craig
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Reminder for no particular reason that no one knows how this election will turn out, no one can foresee how an event today will impact voters’ choices four months from now, and it is still incumbent on all of us to fight fascism and not acquiesce to doom.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Reposted byAvatar Craig
kind of telling that a registered republican tries to assassinate the republican nominee for president who tried to murder his own republican vice president and the republican response is that democrats should calm the fuck down. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Gelatinous Cubewad came to me in a vision.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Sitting right by two middle aged white guys in a diner. One guy said, “Somebody tried to kill Trump.” The other guy said, “He’s such a dick.” They both grunted affirmation, then started talking about Shōgun. Later, they explained the timeline of Better Call Saul to each other.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Reposted byAvatar Craig
I wish people who’ve decided to abandon politics would at least do the rest of us a favor and shut up about politics
Yeah but a lot of people here have abandoned politics and think that just being loud angry and talking about killing cops is the way to go.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Enough about Hawk Tuah girl. When was the last time you Tawk Tuah girl?
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Telling liberal writers to quit their jobs at the nation's largest media platforms would only make the national media more conservative, and I have deep suspicions about the motives of anyone who urges them to do so.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
My ex-wife -- who I am still friends with -- worked as an exec at Bank of America for years, and also went out of her way to find customers on social media who had been screwed over and figure out how to help them. Even in bad institutions, there can be good people doing good things.
If you believe it's impossible for someone to hold any kind of institutional power and also be on your side, then you're condemning yourself to a dark road of irrelevance. Sorry. This is how the game is played, and has been since our ancient ancestors first started swimming the primordial seas.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Project 2025 authors at the Heritage Foundation are already alleging the next election will be stolen, claiming any result other than a Trump victory in November will have been the result of fraud and will be challenged.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Geneva: remarks by President Joseph Biden at the World Economic Forum both deepened and soothed worries from concerned Democrats
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Trump has good days and he has bad days but increasingly it's been bad days. He can't put a coherent sentence together or keep his train of thought but the media is very impressed THAT HE CAN STILL SHOUT. His brains are leaking out his ears.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
man i wish we lived in a world where instead of being a power mad despot donald trump did nothing but make bitchy little remarks about famous people because nobody does it better
What I take from this is that Trump was a fan of ER
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Seems worth noting that the Republican platform makes a big deal out of fighting crime and inflation, both of which have been plummeting
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Examining your own behaviour and understanding what role you may be playing for others is uncomfortable and unrewarding. It doesn't mean you get to be part of a group of people affirming that you are all good people; it isolates you. But it is an antidote to "uwu smol bean"-ing yourself into abusing
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Also people who don't acknowledge when they have power over others. It's much easier to think "the bad person rubs their hands and calculates carefully how to succeed in their crimes" rather than "under the right circumstances I too could be the villain in a story like this if I don't self-examine".
Reposted byAvatar Craig
I think there are a lot of people who want "abuser" to be a specific category of calculating sociopath, because it absolves them of ever having to ask if their own uncalculated, instinctive behaviours are dangerous in the context of a power imbalance.
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Say what you will about Brutus, he at least understood that getting a Senate to act in its own defense is a collective action problem, one that can only be resolved with covert planning and coordination on timing
Reposted byAvatar Craig
why does retvrn to tradition always mean prairie dresses and fedoras but never temple prostitutes and transsexual oracles
Reposted byAvatar Craig
Wife wanted to watch a bit of porn as foreplay. It worked. We were like mad, rampant ferrets in a sack, but the split second after ejaculaton the laptop played an ad with the sad trombone. Funniest thing that has ever happened to me and I can tell no one.