
My latest is a look at billionaire-led efforts to dismantle the National Labor Relations Board. Most people don't seem to know this is happening, and I find that really concerning. also weighs in with some anti-fascist analysis.
Billionaires' Blitz: The Battle to Dismantle Worker “If there was ever an example of corporations participating in historically fascist tactics, going after labor unions would be it,” says Shane Burley.
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Billionaires' Blitz: The Battle to Dismantle Worker “If there was ever an example of corporations participating in historically fascist tactics, going after labor unions would be it,” says Shane Burley.
The NLRB was created to co-opt labor struggles into capitalism, so this may not actually have the effect they want in the end
That's a good point, which Shane talks about in the piece. Always grateful for his analysis.
Billionaires shouldn't exist.
In the US? There are no rights to dismantle. The job has already been done.
If there was ever a time for a general strike, 2024 is it
sure, remove the government's consession to worker's rights, worked so well before there was an NLRB